judge campaign fundraising strategies

Fundraising for Judicial Campaigns

judge campaign fundraising strategies

Raising money for a campaign can be a daunting task. As a candidate running for judge, you may rely on donors to provide the funds you need to get your out message during the race.

Political campaigns often raise funds in a variety of ways. One of the easiest is through donations from close family and friends early on in the campaign.

Note that many judicial candidates are not allowed to solicit for contributions, or they are severely limited as to how they may go about fundraising. Your local or state law will determine what you can do.

If you can raise money, consider the following fundraising techniques:

Accept online donations

The hub of any judicial candidate’s online presence is a solid campaign website. You can set up fundraising pages easily by using donation services. These services allow you to add donation forms to your website and allow donors to contribute through social media and email.

Hold fundraising events

Fundraising events may include wine tasting events, cocktail parties, raffles and auctions. They are often held in private homes, restaurants, parks or other venues. To organize a successful fundraiser, use an appropriate event theme and venue.

Use social media

If you are allowed to use social media, create a campaign Facebook page. Reach out to your friends and family to have them follow you. If you can, advertise to help get the word out. For Facebook, you will need to be authorized to display ads. This something you will want to start as soon as you can.


It’s a good idea to start collecting emails from friends and family and add them to your email list. Use an email marketing service to collect emails from your website and other sources. Writing compelling fundraising emails can be difficult, but they can be very effective. Use email to inform, organize and fund raise.

Peer-to-peer texting

Peer to peer texting is away for volunteers to send texts to supporters. P2P can help with creating stronger relationships with donors. However, in order for this to work it would need engagement throughout the campaign to be effective.

IP Targeting

IP targeting has become very popular in recent election cycles. With the help of IP targeting, you can target voters by sending them highly relevant messages. Digital ads are shown directly to target households. This strategy allows you to save time and money by only reaching the people that you know will be interested in your message.

Need help finding donors?

There may be others you know who have won their election or are currently serving as on the bench. They might be able to provide you with potential leads. Your local party may be able to provide you with information on large contributors.

It’s important to be familiar with the details of your prospective donors. When you know their interests, demographics, and what motivates them, it’s easier to craft a request that will spark their interest.

Look to get endorsements from legal organizations and others to highlight your credentials.

Create a strong relationship with your supporters. That’s why many nonprofits today use a customer relationship management system, which helps manage supporter and donor data in one place.

You need to be well prepared when it comes to campaigning. There are no shortcuts. Only persistence pays off.